XTL & DME Institute
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Global consulting services for XTL and DME value chains, including opportunity evaluations and project assessments.

XTL & DME Institute    Services
The XTL & DME Institute offers a broad range of services depending on customer needs.
Workshops and Tutorials are comprehensive presentations covering all aspects of the XTL or DME value chain including conversion technologies, markets, fuel properties, global developments, environmental issues, and economics. Examples: 
DME Fundamentals Tutorials were presented prior to the DME Conferences in Stockholm,Ann Arbor,San Diego, Houston & Sacramento. New tutorial focusing on Renewable DME as Propane Blend Stock. (See Blog)
XTL Fundamentals Tutorial was presented prior to the Future Fuels for Australia Conference in Brisbane in July 2011.  
• Shale Oil & Gas Fundamentals Tutorial. 
These tutorials are an opportunity to learn and understand the “who, what, where, when, why and how” of global and regional developments.
Pdf files of these tutorials are available at a nominal cost.
New XTL Webinars available. Request Information

Copyright 2023 XTL & DME Institute
Due Diligence 
The XTL & DME Institute offers project and technology due diligence services based on our comprehensive knowledge and experience of XTL projects, technologies, markets and business ventures.  (For more details)